CLIENT: Australian Bureau of Statistics  

LOCATION: Canberra 

Helping the Australian Bureau of Statistics transform its business

ABS House in Belconnen, Canberra. The Australian Bureau of Statistics started a major business transformation program in 2015 to be conducted over 5 years. 

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is Australia’s national statistical agency. In July 2015, the ABS commenced a major business transformation program called the Statistical Business Transformation Program (SBTP), to address a significant risk to the production of critical official statistics.  

The business and supporting ICT investment in the order of $250 million over five years, aimed to transform the ABS’s current business operating model from a large portfolio of aged, siloed, and inflexible processes and systems supporting individual collections, into an enterprise-wide business architecture-based solution that addresses the digital age. 

To meet the SBTP program objectives, ABS quickly identified the need to increase program and project management capability. It selected CAPDA Consulting to provide ‘hands on’ program and project management skills and experience while also developing, through skills transfer, the capability of ABS staff.  

Delivering the project 

CAPDA Consulting was engaged to provided four major roles:  

1. Program manager and coach 

CAPDA Consulting provided the lead technical program management capability in the SBTP, working with and coaching the ABS executive and Program Managers to build understanding and capability in program management, change management and related disciplines. 

2. Program Office Management (PMO) coach

In this role, CAPDA Consulting developed PMO standards and better practice with Program Office staff to coach and build their capability and expertise in PMO and related disciplines. 

3. Project management coach  

This role developed project management standards and better practice with ABS Project Managers to coach and build understanding and capability in project management and related disciplines. The role also provided some project assurance by ensuring the coherence and consistency of the project environment. 

4. Program planner and scheduler  

CAPDA Consulting provided expertise in planning and scheduling leadership and capability across the SBTP. The role worked to develop standards and better practice with ABS Project Managers, to coach and build understanding and capability in planning and scheduling. 

Outcomes and value delivered 

Together the team delivered a joined up cross program management capability that enabled coherence and consistency while developing the ABS’s in-house program and project management, planning and scheduling skills and competencies.  

The team were able to assist the ABS to prepare for and achieve a successful Gateway Review outcome. The team also built delivery confidence among internal and external stakeholders by introducing better practice and standards in a short timeframe and by improving the quantity and quality of delivery management information available to the SBTP and the ABS executive.